Fade in golf featured image

Fade in Golf

Golf is all about mastering different techniques and improving your game constantly. One such technique that is an important part of this game is called “Fade”. Although fade in golf is closely related to Slice, it can help you lower your score in every round. Therefore, proving to be much more reliable than a slice….

Average Handicap in Golf featured image

Average Handicap in Golf [Complete Guide]

An average handicap in golf serves as a reference point to gauge the skill and performance of golfers within a specific context. Whether it’s a local golfing community, a region, or even internationally. Understanding the average handicap landscape provides valuable insights into the overall skill distribution and progress of golfers. In this complete guide, we…

double eagle in golf featured image

Double Eagle in Golf Meaning

One of the most desirable achievements in golf is accomplishing a “Double Eagle”. It is a score of three strokes under par on a single hole. In golf, each and every hole has a specific par. “Par” is the number of strokes that a skilled golfer can complete the hole in. For example, if a…

Golf Resorts in Arizona featured image

Golf Resorts in Arizona (Top 10)

If you are seeking the ultimate golfing experience, golf resorts in Arizona have been an all-time favorite choice of golfers. Moreover, these resorts offer championship courses recognized among the best golf courses in the world. Alongside luxurious facilities such as spas, pools, and fine dining options these resorts offer a lovely experience. So, if you’re…

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