What is a good handicap in golf? featured image

What is a Good Handicap in Golf?

When it comes to golf handicaps, deciding what is a good handicap can be a vast topic of discussion among golfers. So, a handicap is defined as a numerical representation of a golfer’s ability and also allows players of different skill levels to compete on an equal basis. Nonetheless, determining a golfer with a good handicap can vary based on various factors, including skill level, experience, gender, and the context in which it is assessed.

A good handicap generally indicates a higher level of skill and consistency in golf. Also, it signifies a player’s ability to shoot scores closer to or below the course rating, reflecting a more proficient golfer. However, the specific threshold for a good handicap may differ among classifications and individual perspectives.

In today’s article, we will discover different aspects of a good handicap in golf. So, join us on this journey to gain a deeper understanding of what makes a good handicap in golf, regardless of your skill level or experience.

Good Handicap in Golf?

Determining what constitutes a good handicap in golf depends on various factors, including skill level, experience, and gender. As we discussed earlier, a handicap reflects a golfer’s ability and represented by a numerical value. So, generally, a lower handicap indicates a higher level of skill and considered “better” in terms of performance. However, what qualifies as a good handicap can vary among different classifications and contexts.

Player with a good handicap in Golf

Handicap classifications: High/Mid/Low

Handicap classifications help provide context for assessing what constitutes a good handicap. The classifications typically include high, mid, and low handicaps. Firstly, High handicaps range from 18 and above, indicating less experienced or less skilled players. Secondly, Mid handicaps fall between 10 and 17, representing moderate skill levels. And Lastly, Low handicaps, typically 9 or below, indicate advanced players with a high level of skill and consistency.

What is a scratch golfer?

A scratch golfer is an accomplished player with a handicap index of 0.0. They are skilled enough to play at or below par on any given course. In addition to that, Scratch golfers are considered highly proficient and capable of consistently shooting scores equal to the course rating.

Scratch golfer playing a shot

How can beginners improve their handicaps?

For beginners looking to improve their handicaps, there are several strategies to consider:

Take lessons: Working with a golf instructor can guide proper technique and help improve fundamental skills.

Practice consistently: Devote time to practice various aspects of the game, including swing mechanics, short games, and putting.

Play regularly: Gain experience by playing on different courses and challenging yourself with different conditions.

Set goals: Establish specific and achievable goals to track progress and stay motivated.

Focus on the short game: Improving chipping, pitching, and putting skills can lead to significant score reductions.

What is a good women’s handicap in Golf:

A women’s handicap of 15 or below is considered good, indicating a proficient player who can consistently shoot scores closer to or below the course rating.

What is a good man’s handicap in Golf:

Typically, a handicap of 10 or below is considered good. This indicates a skilled golfer who can consistently shoot scores closer to or below the course rating.

What is the Average golfer handicap?

The average golfer’s handicap varies depending on the golfing population being considered. In many regions, the average golfer’s handicap falls between 14 and 20. It’s important to note that handicaps are subjective and can be influenced by factors such as the skill level of players within a specific golfing community.

Player with average handicap playing shot

Why is my Handicap different in different courses?

Handicaps can vary on different courses due to the different difficulty levels of each course. The handicap system considers the course rating and slope rating to calculate a golfer’s course handicap. A higher-rated and more challenging course will result in a higher course handicap, while a lower-rated and less challenging course will result in a lower course handicap. This ensures that players are provided with appropriate adjustments to their handicap based on the specific course they are playing.


So, we would like to conclude this as even a golfer with a good handicap might not be a good player. As even some great golfers’ men or women can’t hit the ball quite as far. These players struggle with keeping their strokes quite as low, yet they play impeccably. You should use your handicap to ensure you are getting the proper number of strokes on each course, don’t let it define your skill level, and enjoy your game.


It depends on various factors which include the amount of practice, dedication, natural ability, and frequency of play. So generally, it can take a few years and consistent efforts to reach a lower handicap. Anyhow, the journey to a good handicap is a personal one, and individual progress may vary.

Indeed yes, a one-digit or single-digit handicap can generally considered a good handicap and shows a higher level of skill of the player.

Handicaps and professional golfers’ skill levels are not directly comparable. Professional golfers play at an elite level, typically shooting scores significantly below the course rating. Handicaps are more relevant for amateur and recreational golfers, providing a measure of performance and a means to compete fairly with others of varying skill levels.

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